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Welcome to the Rice University Neologisms Database, home to approximately 5500 neologisms collected over the years by ENGL215/LING215 students. Neologisms (neo 'new' + log 'word' + -ism 'N' + -s 'pl.') are, as this parsing suggests, new words that have crept into English recently, and may or may not be found in most dictionaries. The neologisms found here are not necessarily indicative of changes to the English language occurring nationwide and certainly not worldwide; Rice University is a small, close-knit community with a unique culture and its own traditions. Many neologisms coined here and used frequently 'within the hedges' may have no practical usage outside of the Rice campus. We invite you to look around and explore our vast database! If you have any queries regarding the page content, please contact Professor Suzanne Kemmer of the Rice University Linguistics Department. We've made efforts to check the entries for validity and factual correctness; however, if we've missed anything, please bring it to our attention! If you have comments or complaints regarding this website, feel out the feedback form. Suggestions for improvement or usability are welcomed. ENGL215/LING215 students can check, add, edit, and delete their entries by logging in. You will require a valid Rice NetID; the general public cannot add their own neologisms at this time.